~本書によせて~ から。
2004年3月 小橋 かおる
2004年初版 |
"Flowers and Bombs" is a charity book of tanka poems written in Japanese and English. The proceeds from this book have been helping the children of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the children suffering from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
The 20th century could be called the century of war, and it was certainly filled with endless acts of war and merciless violence; in World Wars I and II, the Vietnam War, or massacres by various dictators, hundreds of millions of people are said to have been killed. Even in such a violent era, for a person like me, who was born and lived in security in a prosperous country, the violence seemed to be in a world far, far away.
The 21st century has come and brought unimaginable violence into our daily life. In New York, Bali or Istanbul, terrorists attack people abruptly and indiscriminately. In Afghanistan and Iraq, innumerable bombs have been dropped, killing too many innocent people living there. These acts of violence are not tragedies in some place afar; it is the violence that falls upon us all of sudden, and it is the violence enforced by our nation in the name of protecting our freedom and security.
This is an anthology of poems which has arisen from my hope for a non-violent world. It is a hope that I would stick to and never let go even in this terrible chain of violence. Words for hope have formed poems and appear in this book, with some drawings expressing the same hope in another way.
I have a favor to ask you, my friend. As you see, many parts are left unwritten in this book, and it is all I could do by myself. So, will you please fill in the white parts yourself? If you speak Arabic or Chinese or any other language, please translate the poems into your language, and read them to those who understand them. If you like pictures, please draw some for the poems and show them to your friends, or what about coloring the drawings in this book? What I can't do could be done with you and your help. What you and I cannot do alone could be done with someone else. With some help from more and more friends, let the words for hope spread in the world just like a small ripple created by a cast stone spreading on a quiet lake.
I need your help, my friend, to change the chain of violence into a chain of hope.
Kaoru Kobashi
March 2004
Kaoru's English Blog since 2003
Tanka Poems against the War
Contact: kaorukobashi☆hotmail.com (Change ☆ to @)